پخواني مشر او بنسټ ايښودونکی PSDP ارواښاد ډاکتر کبیر ستوری د

ارواښاد ډوکـتور کـبیـر ستوری د پښتو ژبـې منلی شــاعـر،لـیـکـوال او څـیړونکی د پلوم سا پوه ( Diplom-Psychologist) په هډ پښتون په ټبر میرداد خیل دی چې د پښتنو د یـوسـفـزو د پـرګـنې پـورې اړه لري. ستوری د لعل محمد خان زوی او د مېرزا محمد جان لمسى ، د بری پښتونخوا د کونړ د تنر په کلي کې پر ۱۷ / ۰۱ /۱۳۲۱ ل هـ کال ( 06.04.1942 ) زيږیدلی دي ده خپله لومړنۍ زده کړه د خاص کونړ په لـومـړني ښوونځي او په کابل کې د رحمان بابا په لیسه کې او خپله لوړه زده کړه د جرمنی د فرانکفورت ، کولن او ماربورګ په پـوهـنـتـونـونـو کې د ساپـوهـنې ( Psychology )په څانګه کې چې فلسفه (Philosophy) سیاسي پوهنه (Pol. Scienec) او ټولنپوهنه (Sociology)ورسره مل وه سرتته رسولي ده. ستوری د نړئ د ساپوهانو په ډله کی ولاړ ؤ او د ۱۹۷۵ ع کال راهیسی د کړنی د ساپوهنی د نړیوالی ټولنی (انټرنیشنل ایسوسیشن اف اپلایډ سیکالوجی) غړی ؤ. ستوری د پښتنوټولنیزولسولیز ګوند (پښتون سوشل ډیموکراټیک پارټئ) لومړني مشر ؤ او ددی ګوند د بنسټ ایښودونکو مخکښانو څخه دی د شاعرۍ په نړۍ کې د یوه پر مختللی ادبی بهیر پوری اړه لری چې مشر نماينده ئې د پښتو د اد ب پلار اجمل خټک دی. د پښتنو د یووالی ، خپلواکۍ او سوکالۍ د پاره ده ته د باچا خان نظریو ژوند وربخلی دی. د لیکوال چاپ شوی کتابونه
۱-- سكروټه : (شعري ټولګه) چاپكال 1976، جرمني ۲-- پښتونخوا : (شعري ټولګه) چاپكال 1977، جرمني ۳-- وېره : (ساپوهنه) چاپكال 1985 دوهم ځل 1990 جرمني درېم ځل 2001 پېښور ۴-- د هوښيارتيا د كلتوري بڼو تله : (ساپوهنه) چاپكال 1978 جرمني ۵-- د وېرې تله : (ساپوهنه) چاپكال 1985، جرمني ۶-- ژوندي خيالونه : (شعري ټولګه) چاپكال 1997 پېښور، پښتونخوا ۷-- د قلم توره : چاپكال 1999 ، پېښور، پښتونخوا ۸-- د هوښيارتيا تله : (ساپوهنه) چاپكال 2000، پېښور، پښتونخوا ۹-- ژبساپوهنه : (ساپوهنه) چاپكال 2000، پېښور، پښتونخوا ۱۰-- سندريز پېغام : (شعري ټولګه) چاپكال 2002، پېښور، پښتونخوا ۱۱-- د هوښيارتيا كلتوري بې پلوه تله : (ساپوهنه) چاپكال 2004، پېښور، پښتونخوا ۱۲-- د پيداېښتي بڼو د هوښيارتيا تله : (ساپوهنه) چاپكال 2004، پېښور، پښتونخوا ۱۳-- خوږې مسرۍ : (شعري ټولګه) چاپكال 2006 (د ستوري وفات نه څو ورځې وروسته چاپ شو) ۱۴-- خوب مانا : (ساپوهنه) د چاپ لاندې ښاغلی ستوری د خپل د ژوند په پړاو کې د لاندينيو ټولنو ،مجلو او خپرونو مشر او لارښود پاتې شوی دی: 1965ـ افغان سټوډنټس ايسوسي ايشن، فرانكفورټ ،( د افغاني محصلينو ټولنه) 1972 ـ جنرل يونين اف افغان سټوډنټس، فرانكفورټ (د افغانی محصلینو عمومی اتحادیه) 1976 (د پښتنو او بلوڅو د اّزادۍ ټولنه) ـ نيشنل لېبرېشن يونين اف پښتون اينډ بلوچ، فرانكفورټ. ـ پشتون سوشل ډیموکراټیک پارټئ (د پښتنو ټولنیز ولسولیز ګوند) جرمنی ۱۹۸۱ 1985ـ پښتون كلچرل ايسوسي اېشن (د پښتنو كلتوري ټولنه ، کولن) جرمني 1993 ـ پښتون كور (کولتوری مرکز بن)، جرمني 1998 ـ د پښتونخوا د پوهنې دېره، پېښور 2003 ـ پښتو ادبي هنري ټولنه، كونړ 2003 ـ د خاص کونړ ادبی او کولتوری ټولنه، كونړ مجلي او خپروني: 1972 كال: (جرمني) سپرغۍ مياشتنۍ 1976 كال : (جرمني) اولس غږ مياشتنۍ 1978 كال : (جرمني) پير روښان مياشتنۍ 1985 كال : (جرمني) لمبه مياشتنۍ 1986 كال : (جرمني) د خيبر وږمه مياشتنۍ 1986 كال : (جرمني) پښتونخوا مهالنۍ پښتونخوا (دپښتون سوشل ډیموکراټیک پارټئ نشراتی ارګان) [iurl=http://www.kabirstori.com/index.php] د انټرنټ په مټ د ډاکټر کبير ستوري ځانګړې وېبپاڼه [iurl=http://www.kabirstori.com/index.php] www.kabirstori.com Biography Of Dr. Kabir Stori
Every nation has some great names upon which they can be proud.Dr.Kabir Stori is one those greatest names for Pashtoon nation which makes pashtoons proud. He is an unforgettable personality for the great nation of pashtoons. He was a great poet, intellectual, writer, thinker and one person who loved his nation. One man who had respect for the human values. A rhyme of Dr. Kabir Stori is translated by Hatef Mokhar ,Founder of Global Peace, in English which is as follows: ´If you come to Stori´s grave sometime, pray for me in Pashtoo, I am a lover of Pashtoo .´ This rhyme by Dr.Stori clearly shows that how much he loved his nation, cultural and language. He was a true lover of Pashto. The whole literature written by Stori proves that he was a great poet and writer in pashtoon region who showed his love for pashtoon through his poetry. Kabir Stori, doctor of natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat) Diplom-Psychologist is Pashtoon (Pakhtoon).He is Mirdadkhel, who belongs to the tribe Yosafzai of the Pashtoons Nation. Stori is the son of Lal Mohammad Khan and is born at 06.04.1942 in Kunar / Pashtoonkhwa (Afghanistan). He married in 1960 and has 7 Children (5 Sons and 2 Daughters). He visited the elementary school in Khas Kunar and in Kabul the Rahman Baba Lycee (High School). After getting scholarship from the government, he came in 1964 for higher education to Germany. He studied Psychology with Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology in Germany at the universities of Frankfurt, Cologne and Marburg. Stori is the member of ´International Association of Applied Psychology´. Since 1973 he works with the Deutsche Welle (The Voice of Germany) as Announcer, Translator and Editor in the Pashto Service. He was co-founder and chairman of ´the Afghan Students Association´ in Frankfurt/a.M., which was first of its kind in Europe, in 1966, President and co-founder of the ´General Union of Afghan Student´ in 1972 in Frankfurt and Joint founder and chairman of the ´National Liberation Union of Pashtoons and Baluchs´ which was established in 1976 in Frankfurt/a.M. Dr. Stori is the Joint founder of the ´Pashtoons Cultural Association´ which founded in 1985 in Cologne/Germany; Joint founder of ´Pakhtun Kor´ a Cultural and Social welfare Centre for Pashtoons in Germany which founded 1993 in Bonn and ´De Pakhtunkhwa De Pohany Dera´, (The Home of Science of Pashtoonkhwa, Peshawar) which founded in 1998 in Peshawar/ Pashtoonkhwa and ´Pakhto Adabi Hunary Tolana´ which founded in 2003 in Kunar/Bara Pashtoonkhwa (Afghanistan). He was Ideological Leader, President and joint founder of the Pashtoons Social Democratic Party (PSDP) which established in February 1981. He is the follower of non-violent philosopy Bacha Khan (Fakher – e – Afghan) for national unity, independence and the well-being of the Pashtoons Nation. In the world of the poems and literature he represents the progressive school of the father of the Pashto literature Ajmal Khattak. He jailed in 1983 and 1984 in Pakistan for political reasons. Some important books of him: 1. Skarwatta (Embers): An Anthology of Poems, published together with another Afghan Poet, published in 1976 Germany 2. Pakhtoonkhwa: A collection of essays including essays from other writers also, published in 1977 Germany 3. Entwicklung eines Kulturfairen Intelligenz – Tests: Development of a Culturefair Intelligence Test published in 1985 Germany in German Language 4. Wira: Fear - Theories, measurement and therapy of fear, published in 1985 and 1990 Germany and in 2001 Peshawar 5. De Wire Tala: Psychology, published in 1992 in Germany 6. Zwandi Khyaloona: Alive Thoughts - poems, published in 1997 in Peshawar/Pashtoonkhwa 7. De Qalam Tora: Sword of the Pen - poems, published in 1999 Peshawar /Pashtoonkhwa 8. De Hokhyartia Tala: Intelligence Test, published in 2000 Peshawar/Pashtoonkhwa 9. Zabsapohana: Language Psychology, published in 2000 Peshawar / Pashtoonkhwa 10. Sandareez Paigham: Message by the songs - poems, published in 2002 Peshawar / Pashtoonkhwa 11. De Hokhyartia Kulturi Be Palawa Tala: Culturefair Intelligence Test (C-I-T)- published in three languages (Pashto, English and German) in 2004 Peshawar / Pashtoonkhwa 12. De Pedaikhti Banno De Hokhyartia Tala: Nature Forms Intelligence Test (N-I-T), published in three languages (Pashto, English and German) in 2004 Peshawar /Pashtoonkhwa 13. Khwagi Misrai: Sweetest Verses - poems, published in 2006 Peshawar / Pakhtoonkhwa 14. Khob Mana: Dream Interpretation - Psychology, will be published soon [iurl=http://www.kabirstori.com/index.php] for more informations please visit the official Website of Dr. Kabir Stori [iurl=http://www.kabirstori.com/index.php] www.kabirstori.com
د لیکوال چاپ شوی کتابونه
Biography Of Dr. Kabir Stori
This rhyme by Dr.Stori clearly shows that how much he loved his nation, cultural and language. He was a true lover of Pashto. The whole literature written by Stori proves that he was a great poet and writer in pashtoon region who showed his love for pashtoon through his poetry.
Kabir Stori, doctor of natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat) Diplom-Psychologist is Pashtoon (Pakhtoon).He is Mirdadkhel, who belongs to the tribe Yosafzai of the Pashtoons Nation. Stori is the son of Lal Mohammad Khan and is born at 06.04.1942 in Kunar / Pashtoonkhwa (Afghanistan). He married in 1960 and has 7 Children (5 Sons and 2 Daughters). He visited the elementary school in Khas Kunar and in Kabul the Rahman Baba Lycee (High School). After getting scholarship from the government, he came in 1964 for higher education to Germany. He studied Psychology with Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology in Germany at the universities of Frankfurt, Cologne and Marburg.
Stori is the member of ´International Association of Applied Psychology´. Since 1973 he works with the Deutsche Welle (The Voice of Germany) as Announcer, Translator and Editor in the Pashto Service.
He was co-founder and chairman of ´the Afghan Students Association´ in Frankfurt/a.M., which was first of its kind in Europe, in 1966, President and co-founder of the ´General Union of Afghan Student´ in 1972 in Frankfurt and Joint founder and chairman of the ´National Liberation Union of Pashtoons and Baluchs´ which was established in 1976 in Frankfurt/a.M.
Dr. Stori is the Joint founder of the ´Pashtoons Cultural Association´ which founded in 1985 in Cologne/Germany; Joint founder of ´Pakhtun Kor´ a Cultural and Social welfare Centre for Pashtoons in Germany which founded 1993 in Bonn and ´De Pakhtunkhwa De Pohany Dera´, (The Home of Science of Pashtoonkhwa, Peshawar) which founded in 1998 in Peshawar/ Pashtoonkhwa and ´Pakhto Adabi Hunary Tolana´ which founded in 2003 in Kunar/Bara Pashtoonkhwa (Afghanistan).
He was Ideological Leader, President and joint founder of the Pashtoons Social Democratic Party (PSDP) which established in February 1981. He is the follower of non-violent philosopy Bacha Khan (Fakher – e – Afghan) for national unity, independence and the well-being of the Pashtoons Nation. In the world of the poems and literature he represents the progressive school of the father of the Pashto literature Ajmal Khattak. He jailed in 1983 and 1984 in Pakistan for political reasons. Some important books of him:
1. Skarwatta (Embers): An Anthology of Poems, published together with another Afghan Poet, published in 1976 Germany
2. Pakhtoonkhwa: A collection of essays including essays from other writers also, published in 1977 Germany
3. Entwicklung eines Kulturfairen Intelligenz – Tests: Development of a Culturefair Intelligence Test published in 1985 Germany in German Language
4. Wira: Fear - Theories, measurement and therapy of fear, published in 1985 and 1990 Germany and in 2001 Peshawar
5. De Wire Tala: Psychology, published in 1992 in Germany
6. Zwandi Khyaloona: Alive Thoughts - poems, published in 1997 in Peshawar/Pashtoonkhwa
7. De Qalam Tora: Sword of the Pen - poems, published in 1999 Peshawar /Pashtoonkhwa
8. De Hokhyartia Tala: Intelligence Test, published in 2000 Peshawar/Pashtoonkhwa
9. Zabsapohana: Language Psychology, published in 2000 Peshawar / Pashtoonkhwa
10. Sandareez Paigham: Message by the songs - poems, published in 2002 Peshawar / Pashtoonkhwa
11. De Hokhyartia Kulturi Be Palawa Tala: Culturefair Intelligence Test (C-I-T)- published in three languages (Pashto, English and German) in 2004 Peshawar / Pashtoonkhwa
12. De Pedaikhti Banno De Hokhyartia Tala: Nature Forms Intelligence Test (N-I-T), published in three languages (Pashto, English and German) in 2004 Peshawar /Pashtoonkhwa
13. Khwagi Misrai: Sweetest Verses - poems, published in 2006 Peshawar / Pakhtoonkhwa
14. Khob Mana: Dream Interpretation - Psychology, will be published soon [iurl=http://www.kabirstori.com/index.php] for more informations please visit the official Website of Dr. Kabir Stori [iurl=http://www.kabirstori.com/index.php] www.kabirstori.com