Status of PSDP
1) The Splitup of the Pashtoon people and their homeland ”Pashtoonkhwa” endanger peace, In order to preserve peace, the main task and the main demand of the PSDP are the unity and the creation of an independent state of the Pashtoons, namely, ”Pashtoonkhwa”. 2) The power of ”Pashtoonkhwa” state is supposed to emanate from the people. It is, therefore, necessary to divide ”Pashtoonkhwa” according to Pashtoon tribes, geopraphic and administrative criteria into several areas which will then be subdivided in districts and subdistricts. Every area will have its territorial parliament (Sima Iza Jirga). In addition there will be a central parliament for all of ”Pashtoonkhwa” called Mili Jirga and a senate, called De Masharano Jirga. The area parliaments will elect district parliaments from their members. The same applies to the setup of the central government. Senate will consist of government chiefs of the area and the directly elected representatives of every area in line with the number of its population. Senate will examine the decisions of area parliaments and of the central parliament. It will appoint the state president and convoke the Great Council (Loya Jirga) for the election of the state president. 80 percent of the members of area parliaments and of the central parliament will be directly elected by the populace in free elections, while 20 percent will be indirectly appointed by the parties which have scored 5 percent of the votes in parliamentary elections. Every ”Pashtoonkhwa” inhabitant older than 18 will have two votes. One of them for the respective candidate and the other for the central parliament or the land parliament only if he or she is over 30. 3) The PSDP aims for deepening and spreading the holy religion of Islam and it respects other religions. 4) Language and Culture play an important role in forming the nation and the homeland. The PSDP, therefore, considers the development of the home language Pashto and of Culture as a basic mission. It want s the state organs to be based on Pashtoonwali and the decisions of the Pashtoonwali councils (Jirga) to be recognized by the state. 5) Privately owned production means must be protected and promoted as long as they do not handicap the setup of a just social system. Economy and private property should be promoted in such a way that jobs will be created and that the homeland will be industrialized. Industry will be speead over the entire country and it will not be concentrated in certain areas. 6) Every inhabitant of ”Pashtoonkhwa” is committed to pay taxes to the state according to his income. 7) Every ”Pashtoonkhwa” inhabitant has a claim to work. The state is committed to supply work according to its capabilities. Unemployed persons or persons unable to work have a claim for state support. 8) Human life and dignity are of the greatest value to the PSDP. It wants, therefore, all people to be treated equally, no death penalty to be introduced and no physical or mental tortures to be carried out. 9) Social security and improvement of living conditions such as particularly fulfilment of basic needs of the people, is demanded by the PSDP. 10) Training in standard Pashto is the basic right of every ”Pashtoonkhwa” inhabitant. Training is supposed to give every body an opportunity to develop his personality freely. Greatest attention is to be attributed to vocational training schools, because this will promote the development of progress in our homeland and the independence of the individual. The central government will promote scientific research whose results will serve the public and the development of the society. 11) Basic PSDP demands are freedom of opinion and the right for meetings, demonstrations and strikes, regardless of complexion, or sex. 12) Press, radio, television and films will carry out public tasks. According to Pashtoon tradition they will be free and independent, gathering information unhindered, working on it and disseminating it according to their own responsibilities. 13) The freedom of founding parties and of party and organisational activities are PSDP demands and basic tasks of the state. Parties will achieve an official status once thy have achieved 5 percent in area parliamentary or central parliamentary elections. 14) The PSDP takes into consideration professional or other interests of their members. Therefore it maintains several party organisations such as, for example, for peasants, workers, employees, carpenters, smiths, butchers, shoemakers, barbers, washers, potters, physicians, lawyers, teachers, authors, students and so on. In addition the PSDP deems it necessary to have a Pashtoon youth organisation (Zwan Pashtoon) whose members will be the young generation of the party. Party membership can be acquited at the age of 18. One can work with the youth organisation up to the age of 30. 15) Independence, defence and protection for our homeland ”Pashtoonkhwa” as well as the strengthening of the democracy by several parties, are the demands of the PSDP and the tasks of the Pashtoons. The military must be controlled by the central parliament through the government. 16) The PSDP Wants to maintain close relations with all social democratic parties, organisations, government and all social democratically minded people. 17) The PSDP defends the statute and the human rights right to self - determination of all people and it strongly condemns every kind of colonialism. 18) The PSDP wants through free self –determination to set the Federal Republic Pashtoonkhwa together with other fraternal people. PSDP headquarter is in Pashtoonkhwa and its various units (local unit, city unit, district unit, divisional unit) act for party through out the whole area of Pashtoonkhwa. A city unit consists of two or more local units, one district unit consists of two or more city units and one divisional unit consists of two or more district units. PSDP also firms the professional and interests units in and outside Pashtoonkhwa. Moreover, PSDP gets offices in friendly countries for the party members and member units or unions. Membership: Anyone, whose age is less than 18, speaks Pashto, accepts the statute of PSDP and is not the member of another political party or any other against group can apply for the membership. The application for membership may be handed over or sent to the chief of the local unit. The membership of the applicant is recognised on behalf of the recommendation of two party members by the concerned branch of central committee. The central committee has to decide wether any union or group is against the party or not. Organs of the Party: PSDP consists of eight councils. The decision of each council is acceptable or recognised when half of the members of the same council are present are present during the council meeting. Local unit Council: The Council is formed by the members, chief and his assistants belonged to same unit. City Unit Council: This council is formed by the chief and assistants of the same unit and the chieves of the concerned local units. District Unit Council: This council is formed by the chief and his assistants of the same unit and the chieves of the concerned city units. Divisional Unit Council: This Council is formed by the chief and his assistants of the same unit and chieves of the concerned district units. Divisional Convention: It consists of the chief and assistants of the divisional units, chieves and members of the branches of the divisional units, city units, district units and directly elected representatives of the local unit councils and unions or groups concerned to the same divisional unit. Central Committee: It consists of the president of the Party, his assistants and advisors and those chieves of the different branches who have been selected by the central convention for the purpose to discharge their duties on central jobs. Central Convention: It consists of the members of central committee and the members of the divisional unit council. Party General Convention: It consists of the members of the party councils, the assistants of the chieves of the district unit councils, the members of central convention and directly elected representatives of local units and union or groups. The numbers of these representatives are decided by the central committee according to the numbers and observation of the same unit and union or group. Election: The chieves (heads) of local unit and district unit are elected respectively by the members of local and district units for the period of three years and can have two or more assistants according to requirement. The chief of the divisional unit is elected by the divisional convention for the period of four years and the elected chief introduces his assistants, the heads of different branches and members of divisional unit to the divisional convention. The numbers of branches and members of divisional units are elected by the central committee according to the necessity but the numbers of assistants to the chief of divisional convention are elected by te assent of the same chief according to necessity. The party chief is elected by the party general convention for the period of five years and he introduces his assistants, advisors and the geads of administrative, financial, political, other branches and members of the central committee to the party general convention who are elected (recognised) by the same convention. Party Diciplinary Process: In case a member or a worker of party acts against the interests of the party and does not follow the rules and regulations of the party or works for other opponent parties or organisation. He is processed by the concerned branch of central committee. His status or membership can be withdrawn (cancelled) for sometimes or for ever. He is allowed to complain against the procession to the central convention. The decision of the central convention is to be accepted. The chief of divisional unit is to be processed by the divisional convention. The members of central committee are to be processed by the central central convention and the party chief is to be processed by the party general convention. Duties, Rights and responsibilities: Every member is required to act according to the decisions and for the progress of the party the. Every member is bound to keep secrecy and be loyal to the party. Every member is required to notify the change of address to the concerned branch. Every member is bound to pay the monthly contribution which is fixed by the right of vote and proposals in the affairs of concerned convention and can take part in the decisions and can be also a member of the different groups and societies of the organisation. Any member can resign in written. With resignation or termination the rights in the party are withdrawn and also in the mean time his membership is cancelled. Resigned or terminated persons have no right to act against the party or party members in any way and also have no right to disclose the secrecy of the party and have no right to disclose the secrecy of the party and can be reselected by the majority of the members of the central committee. The party general convention is the supreme power of the party which establishes the constitution (statute). The party members, workers and other units will act according to the decision of the party general convention is to be held once in five years by the central committee. But if necessary the party general convention can call by the central committee or the majority of the central convention any time. Central convention is to be held once in two years by the central committee and if necessary can be called any time by the majority of the central committee. Central committee organizes the Pashtoonkhwa National Assembly and to paralise the divisional practical activities with the party’s general political activities and help practise the party constitution and decisions of the general convention and give advice. The general convention and give advice. The divisional convention is to be held by the divisional unit once in a year. But if necessary can be held anytime by the majority of divisional unit. Central committee can be called by the party chief ( President ), divisional convention can be called by the divisional chief, city convention can be called by the city chief, and local convention can be called by the local unit chief according to requirement. The local convention is answerable to the city convention, city to the district, district to the divisional convention respectively. Divisional convention is answerable to the central committee and the central committee to the party general convention. Every lower convention will accept the dicision of the immediate upper convention, lower conventions can forward their dicisions and proposals to the upper convention but the upper conventions dicision will be final. Lower convention can not interfere in the affairs of the upper conventions but the upper conventions can do so. Party’s societies and groups can have their own manufestos but must not be against the basic statutes of the PSDP. The Party chief ( president ) represents the party internally as well as externally and has the rights of agreements politically, economically, culturally and in other fields as a party representative and can also elect representatives and form councils or delegations for the purpose to discharge various duties of the party and authorise them to do so. F l a g: The PSDP has golden, colour flag. The flag has party symbol ( Mono Gram ). Bacha Khan Prize: PSDP announces Bacha Khan Prizeevery decade to pay him tribute for his outstanding historical and political work for the mankind especially for the Pashtoons to the persons who render his services to the nation towards its independence and self determination. The prize committee is selected by the central committee. Standing Rules: PSDP statute has standing rules which complete this statute and by following these rules the methods of working of the party can be better organised. Amendments in Statute: Amendments in the party statute is possible by three fourth (¾) majority the members of party general convention. I n t r o d u c t i o n
The Pashtoons Social Democratic Party (PSDP) is the unity and independence party of all Pashtoons. It aims for a society where every body can freely develop his personality and take part in the political, econimic and cultural lives of society and in serving mankind.
Party Organisation Headquarter and Organisation:
The number of branches and members of central committee are elected by the central convention according to the requirement but the party chief ( President ) can elect With his own assent his assistants and advisors according to the necessity. The election is to be decided by difinet majority of the voters (electors). A candidate is supposed to secure 50 percent of the votes, in case of failure, the election is to be held again. And if still he could not obtain the above percentage, he would be appointed to the post for one year provided if there is same post condidate. In case of two candidates for the same post and no one obtain the required percentage ( 50%), the election is to be held again and this time a candidate to be considered successful only by obtaining simple majority. But in case of securing equal votes, toss is to be done.
The party chief is only answerable to the party general convention and can not be at a time the party chief or the head of the state. In party organ ”Pashtoonkhwa” the publications of PSDP are in the Pashto language as well as extra edditions can be published in other languages if required.