(که سپوره وي که پوره وي نو په شریکه به وي (باچاخان)

I have one great dream

´´I have one great dream, one great longing. Like flowers in the desert my people are born, bloom for a while with nobody to look after them, wither and return to the dust they came from. I want to see them share each other´s sorrow and happiness. I want to see them work together as equal partners. I want to see them play their national role and take their rightful place among the nations of the world, for the service of God and humanity.´´[olor=red] Bacha Khan [olor=blue] The history of my people ´´The history of my people is full of victories and tales of heroism, but there are drawbacks too. Internal feuds and personal jealousies have always snatched away the gains achieved through vast sacrifices. They were disposed only because of their own inherent defects, never by any outside power for who could oppose them on the battlefield.´´ Bacha Khan - بېرته شاته