(که سپوره وي که پوره وي نو په شریکه به وي (باچاخان)
PEXAWAR INTL Qurterly pashto magazine 3rd issue
[03.Jul.2010 - 13:56] A quarterly pashto magazine Peshawar International, Has been publish from peshawar and circulated around the city books stalls.
In this issue of the Magazine issues about pashto literature and geo political , faced to Pakhtoon in the region has been highlighted.
This magazine PEXAWAR INTERNATIONAl is being published under the spirits of literary and reginal geo-political well of those pakhtoons expatraites living in diaspora and inside the country.
PEXAWAR ITERNATIONALl magazine is edit by Feroz Afridi, a Qatar based poet and writer and published by Pekhawar Adibi jarga (regd) Peshawar.
Feroz Afridi
PO BOX 15570
Doha Qatar
00974 6832332
- Feroz Afridi
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