(که سپوره وي که پوره وي نو په شریکه به وي (باچاخان)

دملالي یوسفزۍ روغتیايي حالت دډاډ وړدی

[10.Oct.2012 - 21:49]


پېښور: د  پښتونخوا د سوات د اوسېدونکې ملالي یوسفزۍ روغتیايي حالت د ډاډ وړ ښودل شوی دی. تېره شپه د پېښور په پوځي روغتون (سي ایم ایم ایچ ) کې د اپرېشن له لارې د هغې سر ته نژدې نښتې مرمۍ اېستل شوې ده.
په روغتون کې موجود د ملالې یوسفزۍ یو خپل احمد شاه مشال راډیو ته وویل چې تېره شپه له یوې تر پنځو بجو د هغې اپرېشن شوی دی او هغه ګولۍ یې له بدنه اېستل شوېده چې د سر له خوا د ملا پر لورې تللې وهً.
احمد شاه زیاته کړه چې ً  د اپرېشن لپاره ورغلي ډاکټران د ملالي یوسفزۍ له اپرېشن څخه ډاډه او هیلمن ښکاريً 
د درملنې لپاره له پاکستانه کوم بل هیواد ته د وړلو په اړه احمد شاه وویل چې ً ډاکټران یې د روغتیايي حالت جاج اخلي او له هغه وروسته به په دې اړه پرېکړه کويً 
پر ملاله د وسله والو  طالبانو  برید
پر ننګیالې ملاله یوسفزۍ د سېشنبې په ورځ د سوات په مېنګوره کې هغه وخت وسله والو طالبانو  برید وکړ  چې دا له خپلو نورو همځولو سره په یو ګاړي کې له سکوله کور ته روانه وه.
وسله والو لومړۍ په ګاړي کې له ناستو انجونو د ملالې یوسفزۍ پوښتنه وکړه چې کله هغوی ورته دا ملاله دی نوسمدستي یې ډزې ورباندې وکړې او له برید وروسته د پېښې له ځایه وتښتېدل
ملاله یوسفزۍ او د هغې دوه ملګرې دواړه په ټپي حالت کې د سېدو شریف روغتون ته یوړل شوې او له هغه ځایه د پاکستان د وزیراعظم راجا پروېز اشرف په لارښوونه ملاله یوسفزۍ په هیلي کاپټر کې د پېښور پوځي روغتون ته یوړل شوه 
د ملالې یوسفزۍ درملنه
پاکستاني ولسمشر اصف علي زرداري ویلي دي چې د ملالې یوسفزۍ د علاج لپاره به ټول انتظامات د پاکستان حکومت کوي.
د پاکستان د کورنیو چارو وزیر رحمان ملک ویلي دي چې په بل هیواد کې د علاج لپاره یې د ملالې یوسفزۍ د وړلو په خاطر یې د ځانګړې الوتکې بندوبست کړی دی
ډاکترانو ویلي وو کېدای شي چې د ملالې یوسفزۍ د ژوند د ژغورلو لپاره یې د ښې درملنې په موخه کوم بل هیواد ته ولېږي 
پر ملاله یوسفزۍ د برید پړه
پر ملاله یوسفزۍ د شوي مرګوني برید پړه تحریک طالبان پاکستان پر غاړه واخیسته. د وسله والو طالبانو  ویاند احسان الله احسان خبري رسنیو ته وویل چې پر ملاله یوسفزۍ یې ځکه برید کړی دی چې د هغوی په وینا  ًدې د سیکولرزم خپرولو لپاره کار کاوی ً.
د پاکستان ولسمشر اصف علي زرداري ، د دې ملک وزیراعظم راجا پروېز اشرف ، د خیبر پښتونخوا حکومتي غړو ، د پاکستاني پوځ مشر جنرال اشفاق پروېز کیاني او د ملک د زیاتره ګوندونو مشرانو پر ملاله یوسفزۍ تر سره شوی مرګونی برید غندلی دی.
د افغانستان ولسمشر حامد کرزي پر ملاله یوسفزۍ برید غندلی او دا یې د هغه چا کار بللی  دی چې د هغه په وینا د ډيورنډ د کرښې دواړو غاړو ته بې ګناه او پوهه خلک وژني.
د امریکا د بهرنیو چارو د وزارت ویاندې ویکټوریه نولېنډ پر ملاله یوسفزۍ تر سره شوی مرګونی برید یو بزدلانه او وحشتناک عمل بللی دی.
 په جنګي سيمو کې د ماشومانو لپاره د ملګرو ملتونو ځانګړې استازې ليلی زروګويې هم په سختو ټکو کې پر ملاله یوسفزۍ پرونی بريد غندلی دی
د بخښنې د نړيوال سازمان یا ايمنسټي انټرنيشنل د پاکستان لپاره څېړونکي مصطفی قادری ويلي هم پر ملاله یوسفزۍ د برید غندنه کړېده او ویلي یې دي چې له طالبانو د سیمې د واک اخیستل د پوځي عملیاتو د بریالیتوب په مانا نه دي


د پښتنو یو مخور ملتپالی سیاسي مشر محمد افضل خان لالا وايي چې ننګیاله ملاله په ویشتلو نه مري بلکې دغه ډول بریدونه د پښتونخوا او پتېره د سوات د اوسېدونکو  هوډ او عزم  نور هم پخېږي او زیاتېږي.
دی وايي چې په سوات کې لا هم فسادیان ختم نه دي بلکې د هغوی ډلې لا هم فعاله دي.
افضل خان لالا د پاکستان پر ریاستي امنیتي ادارو غږ وکړ چې وسله وال دې له پټو ځایونو راوباسي او دې نیسي.
ملاله یوسفزۍ
څوارلس کلنه ملاله یوسفزۍ د خیبر پښتونخوا د سوات د مېنګورې اوسېدونکې ده او له هغه وروسته یې په نړیواله کچه شهرت ترلاسه کړ چې د (بي بي سي ) پر ویب پاڼه به یې په سوات کې د وسله والو طالبانو د واک پر وخت لیکنې کولې.
ملالي یوسفزۍ د پاکستان په کچه د امن اېوارډ اخیستی دی او هم داسې د امن یوې نړیوالې اجایزې ته نومول شوې وه

PESHAWAR: In an incident that shocked the nation, Taliban militants shot and seriously injured National Peace Award winner Malala Yousafzai along with two other girls in the jurisdiction of the Saidu Sharif Police Station in Swat district on Tuesday.
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Malakand Range, Akhtar Hayat Khan, and District Police Officer (DPO) Swat Rasool Shah told reporters that Malala Yousafzai was returning home along with other girls in a van (PSM-2719) from school when two gunmen intercepted inquired about her.
They said the gunmen opened fire after identifying her. She and two other girls sustained bullet injuries in the brazen and cowardly attack.She was shot in the head and was taken to the Saidu Sharif Hospital from where she was flown to the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Peshawar in a military helicopter.
The doctors treating the young Malala after conducting different tests said that the next three to four days were crucial for her. It was also learnt that senior doctors from the Lady Reading Hospital also visited the CMH to assist the army doctors treating her.
Subsequently though, a medical board of doctors recommended flying the 14-year-old Malala abroad for specialised treatment to save her life.“Her condition is out of danger,” Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Senior Minister Bashir Ahmad Bilour told the media outside the CMH Peshawar. Bashir Bilour condemned the attack after visiting the hospital along with Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain.

Mian Iftikhar termed it a cowardly act and said such attacks could not stop the government from taking action against the militants. He said the militants had been weakened and the government would soon eliminate them.

A large number of media persons gathered outside the CMH to get updates about Malala’s condition. However, they were not allowed to enter the hospital where she was treated in the Intensive Care Unit.

The other two girls injured in the attack were identified as Shazia and Kainat. They suffered wounds in the hands and legs and were out of danger at the Saidu Sharif Hospital. Both the girls talked to reporters, including TV channels, earlier and described how the masked gunmen intercepted and then fired at Malala after identifying her. “We looked at Malala when the gunmen asked about her. And then they fired at her and we too got injured,” one of the injured girls said.
Earlier, the Saidu Sharif Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Lal Noor Afridi had told reporters that Malala had received a bullet in the head, but her condition was out of danger. She was shifted to the Combined Military Hospital as there was no Neurosurgery Unit at the Saidu Sharif Hospital.
A case was registered against the unknown attackers under the Anti-Terrorism Act at the Saidu Sharif Police Station.Meanwhile, the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack on Malala Yousafzai. TTP spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan told journalists from an undisclosed location that Malala was spreading anti-Taliban “secular thoughts” among the youth of the area. He said Malala would not be spared if she survived. “She was against the Taliban and that is the reason our men targeted her.”

President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Mian Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, ANP Central President Asfandyar Wali Khan, , Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief Syed Munawar Hassan, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) head Imran Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Masood Kausar, Chief Minister Ameer Haider Hoti and other leaders condemned the attack on Malala Yousafzai.
People from all over the country, while paying tributes to Malala Yousafzai, prayed for the early recovery of the brave teenaged girl.
Malala rose to prominence after being nominated by the Dutch organisation Kids Rights Foundation for bravely writing against the atrocities of the Taliban militants when they were calling the shots in Swat. She wrote diaries for the BBC Urdu service under the pseudonym “Gul Makai”.
She was desirous of playing an active role in politics after completing education. She was elected speaker of the Children’s Assembly, a forum organised by the UNICEF and the Khpal Kor, an educational institution for orphaned children in Mingora.
“I want to become an honest, committed and hard-working politician as our country badly needs political leaders,” Malala told journalists last year.
“I was so frightened while going to school today as the militants have said they will take revenge for the operation against Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid in Islamabad. But what is our fault,” Malala blogged for BBC Urdu on February 21, 2009 under the name, Gul Makai.
Meanwhile, the police and security forces arrested several suspects during a search operation after the attack on Malala Yousafzai.
The Private Schools Management Association in Swat and Shangla districts announced that all their schools would remain closed today (Thursday) in protest against the assassination attempt on Malala Yousafzai.
Talking to reporters, chairman of the association in Swat, Ahmad Shah, and in Shangla, Gulab Shahpuri, said that Malala and the other girls were the daughters of the nation and the schools would be closed to lodge a protest against the cowardly act.

APP/AFP add: Surgeons treating Malala Yousafzai have recommended the government to send her abroad for treatment to save her life.
Quoting surgeons, who conducted her detailed checkup, official sources said that the single bullet, which hit her head, had pierced down to backbone. Swelling on the scull does not allow surgery right now, they added.
“In such a condition, she immediately needs a sophisticated surgical procedure, which is not possible in the country,” they said.
Meanwhile, the United States denounced the “barbaric” and “cowardly” Taliban attack on Malala Yousafzai. “We strongly condemn the shooting of Malala. Directing violence at children is barbaric, it’s cowardly, and our hearts go out to her and the others who were wounded, as well as their families,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

 Chief of Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani strongly condemned this heinous act of terrorism. He said, the cowards who attacked Malala and her fellow students, have shown time and again how little regard they have for human life and how low they can fall in their cruel ambition to impose their twisted ideology.
COAS Kayani re-emphasised that the terrorists underestimate the resolve and resilience of the people of Pakistan. He added that it is time we further unite and stand up to fight the propagators of such barbaric mindset and their sympathizers.

Talking to media here Wednesday, Interior Minister of Pakistan Rehman Malik said the attackers would be apprehended and brought to justice.
He further said that the decision to send Malala Yousufzai abroad for treatment has been postponed and according to her doctors she was out of critical conditioned.
Malik informed reporters that neurosurgeons from London and the US were ready and would be called to Pakistan if the need arose.

Latest Updates on Malala Yousafzai

Surgeon Professor Dr. Mumtaz talking to media said that an operation was conducted at 2:00 AM that continued until 5:00 AM.
Dr. Mumtaz said that Malala’s condition was expected to improve, however she was still unconscious.

Meanwhile arrangements to send Malala for treatment abroad have been finalized. A medical board comprising of senior neurosurgeons at the CMH is assessing her condition.
Sources add that Malala has been issued visas for Dubai and Britain while her father’s passport has also been extended.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister, Mian Iftikhar while speaking to a tv channel said that Malala is out of critical condition.


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