PDC welcomes Obama Afghanistan strategy
[04.Dec.2009 - 18:43]PDC welcomes Obama, s new strategy for Afghanistan and termed it a positive step towards stability and peace in region. The strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan was more important than Iraq where the resources and forces were used ignoring the importance of Afghanistan and region which diverted attention from the real place of terrorism which was rightly called as center of terrorism by the American President Obama. It was very encouraging to hear the US President saying that Afghanistan was not lost and there is no imminent threat of the government being overthrown. The world should understand that terrorists have no capability to re emerge in Afghanistan but the sources of terrorism which are known should be eliminated. There are more than 92 centers in Pakistan which are active spreading terrorism in region. These centers of terrorism have made Afghanistan as a hell and do not love to see a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan which can guarantee the development and stability in region if left to get developed and peace establishes there. All centers of terrorism are in Punjab province of Pakistan from where the terrorists are sent to FATA and Afghanistan and sabotage the peace and development efforts of international community. Now the American President has hit the right place from where the terrorism originates by calling it as Epicenter of violent extremism. PDC lauded the announcement of Mr. President regarding strengthening the capacity of Afghanistan’s security forces and government. Those who are not tired saying that Afghanistan has been captured by American forces should have heard the speech of President Obama where he declared that Afghan government and people would be the ultimate responsible for their own country and Americans are partners and not patron. Americans seek an end to the era of war and sufferings and have no interest in occupying one’s country. Terrorism which he termed as cancer on both sides of Durand line should effectively be harnessed. This is also encouraging to note in the speech that America and world could no more tolerate safe havens of terrorists whose location is known and whose intentions are clear. PDC appreciated the sentence in which American President Obama said that every man, woman and child around the world who lives under the dark cloud of tyranny that America will speak out on behalf of their human rights and tend to light of freedom and justice and opportunity and respect for dignity and all people. PDC wishes to see all the claims in practical and deeds should speak louder than words.
Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pashtun Democratic Council]
[email protected]
musazai.blogspot.com- Musazai
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