(که سپوره وي که پوره وي نو په شریکه به وي (باچاخان)

Adab au Hunar / شعر، ادب او هنر

که لمر راوخوت

[21.Sep.2023 - 20:11]

If the sun ascends anew

(Mustafa Safa – Afghanistan)


Should the sun ascend anew,

My being shall transform, a garden of verse,

Silent lips shall birth roses fair,

Imagination shall weave Springs' diverse,

Dreams shall disperse hues rare.


Should the sun ascend anew,

My voiceless 'Rabab' shall resound,

Dead hopes rekindled, flames arise,

Hearts once fractured, now be bound,

Hope's flight reclaimed through skies.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Language's fountain shall gush afresh,

Words from shackles shall be released,

Renewal shall rain with every breath,

Age-old bondage shall be ceased.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Loneliness grand, on my behalf,

Palm trees shall crown each mountaintop,

Wings sprout from speech, a hopeful laugh,

Dreams envisioned shall never stop.


Should the sun ascend anew,

No offense in skies shall dwell,

From maple boughs, birds remain,

Hues of crops they shall not quell,

Windows firm, in walls sustain.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Mirrors invited, images retained,

Sorrow borne by trees with care,

Green skin intact, they'll not be drained,

Life's beauty, steadfast we'll share.


Should the sun ascend anew,

With simple rationale aligned,

Love for mountains shall ignite,

Centuries' toil, moments defined,

Joy in every breath's respite.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Night's memory I'll efface,

Embarrassed sorrow, pain's decline,

Vitality drained from its place,

Life's habitual flow be mine.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Shadow rises, draws a breath,

Statues shield it from the fall,

Aimless lines, meaningful bequeath,

Hearts, their abode, in them enthrall.


Should the sun ascend anew,

To my origin I'll find my way,

Life and love entwined in dance,

Hours futile, can't hold my sway,

Time and cosmos, in me advance.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Time's account I shall demand,

History's trigger I shall pull,

A rose adorned by my own hand,

No thorn shall hurt, my will be full.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Rays awaited with no fear,

Darkness' challenge, silence's chant,

Sorrows dwindle, their hold unclear,

Slogan of strength, I'll freely grant.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Recollection may cease its reign,

Faces faded, in memory's maze,

Tired eyes, shadows that wane,

A new dawn shall embrace.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Life's harmony shall be my guide,

No longing for yesterdays gray,

Lost paths shunned, eyes open wide,

Life's journey, with resolve I'll sway.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Suspicion's intent I shall repel,

No fly's wing made mountain's might,

Superstitions shunned, fare them well,

Cloak of doubt cast off in light.


Should the sun ascend anew,

Sense and feeling shall intertwine,

Desires unmet, no longer my quest,

Amidst beasts' realm, humanity's sign,

I'll raise my voice, at their behest.


Should the sun ascend anew,


که دا ځل لمر راوخوت

(مصطفیٰ صفا، افغانستان)


کۀ دا ځل لمر راوخوت

زما وجود به د غزلو باغ وي

زما سکوت به ګلابونه ويشي

زما لۀ خیاله به سپرلی څڅېږي

زما خوبونه به رنګونه وېشي


که دا ځل لمر راوخوت

بېرته شاته