(که سپوره وي که پوره وي نو په شریکه به وي (باچاخان)
Laki Marwat massacre and Media attitude
Sunday, 03 January 2010
With Karachi blast (28 Dec) all the TV channels suspended all their routine programs and start covering it. Even since then it is one of the main subject of many TV channels .This compassionate attitude on the part of media and other sections of the society towards the Karachities is all right .However, shockingly, no worthy compassion has been exhibited by them on the worst suicide explosion in Laki Marwat (1 Jan), in which more than 90 persons, belonging to single village , have been killed and numerous injured.
The occurrence was reported in the electronic media as if it were an ordinary news. Most of TV channels carried on their schedule programs while the news of the bloodbath of innocent people was run, from time to time , mainly on the news strip of the channels. Even later on few channels took trouble for detailed comments and description of it except AAJ TV. Regrettably the anchors, hosts and the participants of the night talk shows too did not bother to show some genuine distress over that distressing event.
Any sensitive soul can well image the intensity of such a catastrophe and can feel the agony by visualizing a scene where funerals of 93 persons( mostly youthful) are taking place in a single village at a same time .However when such a tragic occurrence in Laki Marwat is taken so indifferently compared to other parts of the country then many questions do creep- up into minds like either these victims of the atrocious suicide attack in Laki Marwat are not Pakistani citizens or less human beings or not worthy enough. Do they not deserve to be duly mourned?
The true patriotic sections need to take notice of it as such attitude in turn cause naturally a detrimental feelings among the concerned sections.
A J Khattak
Peshawar -
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