Press Release
[13.Jun.2009 - 16:59]PDC strongly codemned the suicide attack on the PC Hotel Peshawar and condoled the death of all those who lost their lives while serving Pashtun in Pashtunkhwa who had suffered due to terrorism in region especially those staff members of UN who were busy serving our IDPs. Our heads are bowed with shame that we could not save those who had come to serve us, our women and children. We seek pardon from the families of those who lost lives and offered sacrifices but did not leave Pashtun alone in this hour of the need. They all deserve the applause and will be remembered for ever in the history of Pashtun because they lost lives while serving Pashtun. I offer my condolence on my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in organization to the Secretary General, staff of the UN , kins and kiths of the martyred and all the concerned , Zar ali musazai Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council said. PDC will be standing with international community side by side to eliminate terrorism from the region and UN can play role as UN is the best institution which is able to solve the problem faced us.
Issued by
Pashtun Democratic Council
Zar Ali Khan Musazai
Pashtun Democratic Council
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- Pashtun Democratic Council
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